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Asociación de Scouts de Venezuela

Dachverband World Organization of the Scout Movement / Weltorganisation der Pfadfinder (WOSM)

©Piet J. Kroonenberg, Amsterdam, November 2004.

Aruba is a small island in the Caribbean Sea off the Coast of Venezuela. It is rocky place with lots of cactuses but there is hardly any agriculture. Foodstuffs must be imported. In the past and present fresh vegetables and fruit are being brought in from Venezuela. Standing on Aruba's shore one can see the Venezuelan coastline on the horizon, Weather permitting small boats, carrying these commodities, are plying between Venezuela and Aruba.

In 1912 Mr Pérez of Maracaibo brought his son Ramón Ocando Pérez. In the island's capital Oranjestad the boy met another one named Martijn. They got talking and Martijn told Ramón that he was a Scout. At the time Aruba was a Dutch colony. In the Netherlands Scouting had begun in 1909/1910 and from there had spread to the Dutch colonies. Little is known of Martijn, even his family name has not been kept. Was he the son of Dutchmen stationed on the island or was he a born Aruban? Anyway he told Ramón all about Scouting and Ramón got much impressed and when he returned to Maracaibo had decided to also become a Scout. Back home he happened to meet a Columbian boy who also turned out to be a Scout. His father was a diplomat serving his country in the United States. The Columbian boy presented Róman with a book. Some say it was the BSA's HANDBOOK, others that it was Baden-Powell's SCOUTING FOR BOYS.

Ramón enthused some of his friends and they formed a patrol and later (1913) a club, which they named CLUB DE BOY SCOUTS DE MARACAIBO. Not much time was allotted to this club as a year later Róman went to the USA for studies. After his departure the other boys lost interest and the club ceased to be. Ramón's name is still remembered as he went down in Venezuelan Scouting's history as the "Precursor".

In 1917 Francisco McGregor, one of Ramón' s friends, met Mr Walter Raleigh Douglass, an Englishman teaching English in Maracaibo. Francisco requested him to translate SCOUTING FOR BOYS into Spanish The more progress he made, the more Douglass got impressed by B-P's ideas. He decided to practice what he read and translated. Surrounding himself with a number of boys, he formed patrols and a troop and acted as the Scoutmaster and instructor, providing lots of hikes, camps and other outdoor activities. This attracted more boys and in late February 1917 a unit was formed and named the CUERPO DE BOY SCOUTS DE MARACAIBO but it was also known as BRIGADA DE BOY SCOUTS DE MARACAIBO. As the official founding date was taken May 27th, 1917 the day when the troop went hiking for the very first time. Another one of Douglass' initiatives was the getting together of a number of important and influential men who formed a Comité Ejecutivo sponsoring and promoting the development of Scouting. During the last months of the year Róman returned from the States and joined the CUERPO as a Patrolleader. In 1918 Douglass wrote the first Venezuelan Scouting Handbook and he was also responsible for the first publishing of a Scouting Magazine.

For reasons not revealed Mr Douglass got into political trouble and in 1919 he was forced to leave the country, went to the states and settled in New York City. He went down in the history of Venezuelan Scouting as it much honoured Founder. CUERPO DE BOY SCOUTS DE MARACAIBO remained active but missed its "motor" and source of inspiration and imagination. The activities dwindled, as did the number of members.

In 1932 the CUERPO was reorganised by José Nicolás Napoles and Miquel Angel Leal Bracho. The latter, a former Scout, took over as Scoutmaster.. Apparently so far Scouting's activities had remained restricted to Maracaibo only. The new leadership decided to expand by propagating Scouting in other parts of the country. In 1933 4 Scouts were sent to Caracas, the country's capital. Also thanks to the press' co-operation and canvassing during public meetings called, boys were attracted and very soon it was possible to found the ASOCIACIÓN DE BOY SCOUTS DE CARACAS.

So far Scouting had a very regional character, which changed when in 1934 the two movements united in the FEDERACIÓN DE BOY SCOUTS DE VENEZUELA, and the National Scouting Organisation was a fact. To expand and promote Scouting Scouts visited the provinces to found new troops. The trip they made was promoted and sponsored by Eleazar López Contreras, the country's then President. He was the first and also the last Head of State to act as Chief Scout. He did not consider this to be an Honorary Title but he was really active. In 1936 the Federation was recognised and registered as a member of the World Movement. Just in time so that some Scouts could participate in the 5th World Jamboree at Vogelenzang /The Netherlands, 1937. In the fifties the movement's name was changed into ASOCIACIÓN DE BOY SCOUTS DE VENEZUELA.

Some of the Scouts' sisters had watched their brothers' activities and in 1935 some formed a Guide Company. Guiding expanded and an Association was created which was officially recognised by the authorities. But it so seems that it never sought admission to and/or recognition by WAGGGS. Reason, maybe, that the Association ceased to be in 1948. According to WAGGGS' World Bureau it was not until 1957 that Guiding got a firm footing in Venezuela when in Caracas a Brazilian Guider - Ms Carmen Simoes de Pfister - (in 2004 still alive in Brazil) founded a Brownie Pack from which grew a Guide Company. On June 26th, 1958 some influential ladies founded a "Committee to promote Guiding" and soon thereafter more Guide Companies were started. In 1959 the ASOCIACIÓN DE MUCHACHAS GUIAS DE VENEZUELA was created. Later the movement took the name ASOCIACIÓN DE GUIAS SCOUTS DE VENEZUELA. The movement used a strict translation of the Rules of the British Girl Guides Association. In 1960 admitted to WAGGGS as an Associate Member and in 1966 as a Full Member.

But since the nineties there are also Girls Groups that belong to the ASOCIACIÓN DE BOY SCOUTS DE VENEZUELA.

With thanks to Carlos Rodriguez and Alfredo Steiner, Caracas.
  • Eintragsdaten

  • ID   2329
    Kategorie   Pfadfinder
    Gegründet   1934
    Mitglieder   Keine Angabe
  • Kontaktadresse

  • Asociación de Scouts de Venezuela
    Av. Juan Germán Roscio
    cruce Av. Los Próceres
    San Bernardino
    Caracas 1010

    Tel (+58 212) 551 46 46
    Fax (+58 212) 551 46 91
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