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Frivilligt Drenge- og Pige-Forbund

Dachverband Fédération International des Mouvements Catholiques d'Action Paroissale (F.I.M.C.A.P.)
Ausrichtung: Christlicher Jugendverband

Starke Ähnlichkeit mit den Pfadfindern: Kopie der Pfadfinder (inkl. Kluft, aber ohne Halstuch), Arbeitsmethode identisch zu der der Pfadfinder (eher scoutistisch), Lager in Zelten(verwenden die gleichen Zelte wie die dänischen Pfadfinder (orange Hauszelte) und Häusern, "ich hab sie bei einem Lager bei uns im TPZ in Igls so erlebt: jeden Abend Lagerandacht, sehr muskalisch und kreativ (Kabarett und Sketsche)"(phips).

Kluft: hellblaue Hemden


A presentation to FDF

FDF is one of the largest Christian organizations for children and young people in Denmark.
The aim of the FDF is to bring forward the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children and young people. Since 1902 FDF has been an independent and voluntary part of the youth work of the Danish national church.
Though the activities of FDF have developed considerably over the years, preaching of the Gospel is still the aim of the organization.

33,000 members

Today FDF counts 33,000 members distributed on more than 450 local companies in all parts of Denmark as well as in the province of South Slesvig in Northern Germany.
When the boys' organization FDF was founded in 1902 by the young Copenhagen architect Holger Tornøe, the activities were first and foremost marching exercises (drills) accompanied by music, talks, and Bible studies.

FDF was first

Soon FDF started arranging the summer camp where boys got the opportunity to develop like nowhere else as FDF was the first organization to implicate this idea in Denmark.
In 1952 FPF for girls was founded, and in 1974 the two organizations merged as FDF/FPF. The name was in 1994 changed to FDF.
Today almost all local companies count girl members as well as boy members.

Experiences for everyone

The activities within FDF cover everything from experiences in nature to music and new forms of divine services in the city.
Each FDF company consists of a range of different classes with children of different age groups. All classes get together every week, and they also go on weekend tours, together as well as separately.
The leaders within FDF are unpaid volunteers.

Local leader education

The sizes of the companies vary from 20-30 members to several hundred. Locally about 10-15 companies form a district company in which the basic leadership education takes place. Besides, eleven employed consultants are responsible for their separate part of the country.
FDF also organizes a wide range of courses covering everything from outdoor life, city work, and media to religious knowledge for leaders.

The company in the parish

More or less all FDF companies are associated with the local parish church. Many FDF leaders are members of the local parish council.
But even though FDF is associated with the Danish national church, the organization also counts leaders from other Christian communities.
Several companies also take part in local ecumenical work such as church walks and services across denominational barriers.

Three large centres

FDF has three large centres for leadership education. Near "Himmelbjerget" (a scenic area outside Silkeborg in the middle of Jutland) is the outdoor centre "Sletten" with different camps. In the centre of Copenhagen is the city centre "Rysensteen", and "Vork" is the traditional FDF camp in Vork Bakker (Vork Hills) near Vejle.
The centres are used by FDF as well as by others who need spacious and interesting surroundings.

14,000 campers

Once every five years "Sletten" is the setting of the FDF national camp for everyone over the age of eleven. Each time the camp attracts about 14,000 participants for ten days, many of which are foreign visitors.

Music in town

All musicians within FDF meet every five years at a national music gathering in a Danish town. FDF includes a number of bands, brass bands, baton bands and rock bands.
The music gatherings contribute to developing the musical work in FDF and each gathering presents new as well as the more traditional music. Every other year a senior festival is arranged with FDF rock bands.

Musical instruction

Many children and young people get their first musical instruction within FDF. As an example about 400 music loving children meet every autumn for a course in orchestral music, and the organization gives a bi-annual gala concert in different places in Denmark.
FDF issues written music as well as songs. Every year the children's song book "March og lejr" is published. A new edition has been published each year since 1916.

International cooperation
International cooperation does not only take place at the national camps. FDF is a member of the "European Fellow-ship", "World Conference" and "FIMCAP" and is closely connected with similar organizations on all continents. FDF is also engaged in two-year mission projects in the Third World, most recently in the Philippines.

FDF also means schools

FDF forms the basis of four independent boarding schools for pupils who have already received compulsary education, and a Danish folk high school.
The boarding schools are situated in various parts of the country and the folk high school is situated in Silkeborg. FDF leaders are members of their boards and the schools take part in FDF-arrangements.
Hereby FDF is also a part of the general education in Denmark.

FDF in the future

FDF is always looking ahead in order to adapt its activities to the present. At the moment the organization is engaged in strengthening the efforts for the eleven to fourteen-year-olds and the work in the cities.
Also FDF works on renewing the traditional outdoor life by developing new ways of experiencing nature.
Environmental work is also becoming an established activity of FDF.
Speaking for the children
FDF wishes to speak for the children by calling attention to the conditions of the children of today, both in society and in the church of today which do not always give them the opportunity to take part on their own conditions.
In FDF social interaction between children and adults is as important as the various activities.

...the classes in FDF

"P U S L I N G E": 5 - 7 years
"T U M L I N G E": 7 - 9 years
"P I L T E": 9 - 11 years
"V Æ B N E R E": 11 - 13 years
"S E N I O R V Æ B N E R E": 13 - 15 years
"S E N I O R E R": 15 - 18 years
L E A D E R S: From 18 years

Entnommen von: http://fdf.dk/InternationaltUdvalg/english/presentation.html

  • Eintragsdaten

  • ID   1949
    Kategorie   Andere bündische Gruppierung
    Gegründet   1902
    Mitglieder   33,000
  • Kontaktadresse

  • FDF
    Rysensteensgade 3
    DK-1564 Copenhagen

    Phone: +45 33 13 68 88
    Fax: +45 33 91 91 65
    E-mail: FDF@FDF.dk

    FDF International Committee
    Rysensteensgade 3
    DK-1564 Copenhagen
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