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Det Danske Spejderkorps

Dachverband Pigespejdernes Fællesråd Danmark
Fællesrådet for Danmarks Drengespejdere (Danish Scout Council) (FDD)
1. The Association

The Danish Guide and Scout Association - Det Danske Spejderkorps (DDS) - is an organisation for children and young people based on the fundamental principles of guiding and scouting.

The association is open to everybody irrespective of sex, race, language, religious or political observation.
It is the aim of The Danish Guide and Scout Association to develop children and young people into alert and self-reliant people who are willing to assume, to the best of their ability, human responsibility in the Danish society and in the world. This is obtained by creating an environment of inspiration and development for the members. By giving members the possibility of outdoor life the association wishes for the guides and scouts to become acquainted with nature and obtain a desire to protect it. Through theoretical and practical working materials the association aims at training skills which are of use to the guides and scouts themselves as well as to their fellow beings.

The local work is carried out in local units where children usually work in different age groups, with occational thematic interaction for all children in the unit. The leaders are all volunteers and consequently receive no wages. Each unit has a board elected at the annual unit general assembly. The council consists of parents, youth representatives and leaders. The council is responsible for the unit finances and must also secure that the scoutwork in the unit is carried out according to the aims and objectives of the association.Units are organised geographically in bigger divisions. The divisions are lead by a management which performs daily leadership functions. The members of the management is elected for a two year periode at a yearly general assembly by representatives of the local units.

The units receive magazines for children and adults, programme material and other relevant information for scouting and guiding as well as offers of leader training.
History - Scouting in Denmark started in 1909 with Det Danske Spejderkorps, a founder member of WOSM (The World Organisation of the Scout Movement).
Guiding in Denmark started in 1910 when some girls joined a boy scout group. Within a few years the girls had their own organisation, Det Danske Pigespejderkorps, which was among the founding members of WAGGGS (The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts).

Merger - These two associations merged in 1973 to form The Danish Guide and Scout Association (Det Danske Spejderkorps) which is open to both girls and boys. Coeducation is an important factor in the Danish educational system, the last girls only school opened its doors to boys in 1965. Therefore it appeared natural that also guiding and scouting should co-educate.

Uniform - All members of The Danish Guide and Scout Association wear the same kind of uniform, children and adults, men and women: Dark blue smock and a scarf. The official colour of the scarf is green, unless the individual unit has chosen another colour, or even a pattern. Wood-badge holders wear the Gilwell scarf, men as well as women. Boys and men wear trousers with the smock, girls and women may choose trousers, often jeans, or skirts. Caps or hats are optional.

Equality - An important point in connection with the merger is equality and in this case obviously equality between the sexes. To secure this equality at the formal level various rules and recommendations have been adopted, namely the principle of 2/3's representation and the joint chairpersonship. This means that any committee at the national level should work for that no more than 2/3 of its members are of the same sex, and all jobs as commissioners, assistant commissioners, chairpersons of all committees including chief commissioners have a joint leadership, between a man and a woman.

Coeducation - In everyday life the method of coeducation is carried out very satisfactorily by the leaders who know their children and how to see to that girls and boys are given the opportunity to try all kinds of jobs and working methods with regards to their individual needs and abilities.
There is a joint guide/scout administration at the national level as well as at the divisional level, but the local units decide for themselves whether they want to be mixed or not. In 1995 out of 560 groups, 490 were mixed, 35 girls only, and 35 boys only.

World Organisations - The Danish Guide and Scout Organisation is a member of WAGGGS as well as of WOSM through the Joint Committee of Girl Guides in Denmark and the Danish Scout Council respectively. As a merged association we are part of the traditions of both world organisations and want to support both. WAGGGS World conferences have been held in Denmark in 1963 and 1993, WOSM World conferences in 1924 and 1975.
  • Eintragsdaten

  • ID   1945
    Kategorie   Pfadfinder
    Gegründet   1909 Pfadfinder, 1911 Pfadfinderinnen, Zusammenschluss 1973
    Mitglieder   Keine Angabe
  • Kontaktadresse

  • Det Danske Spejderkorps
    Arsenalvej 10
    1436 København K.

    Tlf.: 32 64 00 50
    Fax.: 3264 0075
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